Meditation Tips for Women on the Go

. Saturday, 5 July 2008

MeditationDo your work, family, and personal responsibilities seem to persist with no end in sight? If so, you might think that adding one more item to your to-do list will make you go insane. Well, not if that one item is meditating. In fact, the more over scheduled you are, the more you need (and deserve) the benefits of meditation.

Practicing meditation not only increases mental clarity, it also improves career performance, deepens intimacy, enhances emotional awareness, and heightens sensuality. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Well, lucky for you, you can get all of these wonderful results without having to rush off to a mountaintop or go monastic with monks in silent retreat. For the non-stop gal who’s lost sight of that peaceful babe within, here are five fabulous tips for a quick mental detox:...

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Yoga for Diabetes Mellitus


Diabetes is a life style related condition due to an imbalance in handling a glucose load and is not a disease . It is one of the several life style related chronic conditions with an end result of complications that are related to early aging changes resulting in blockage of small and large arteries.

There are an estimated 100 million diabetics in the world of which around 70 million belongs to heavily populated developing countries. Today, the health professionals are bewildered by the rapidity with which diabetes with its associations such as obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol , triglycerides are assuming epidemic proportions. This phenomenon is more prominent amongst Indians both in India and abroad (migront), which is attributable to the rapidly changing trends of globalization and demands on coping skills leading to enormous stress.

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Yoga for Golf and Core Conditioning


The big buzzword in athletic training these days is “core conditioning“. What exactly does core conditioning mean and why do golfers need to improve their core strength? Core conditioning refers to the center of the body - the abdominals, back and buttocks. Core strength will enable the golfer to maintain proper spine alignment throughout the golf swing and develop a consistent, repeatable golf swing. The walls of the abdominal cavity are supported entirely by the strength of the muscles located there, as no bones provide support for this area. Weak abdominal will stress the low back as the muscles do not provide adequate support for the spine.

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Top Ten Diet


You may not know the difference between Atkins, Scarsdale, or Dr. Phil, and frankly, you shouldn’t have to. Eating just isn’t that complicated. Here are 10 simple guidelines. It may not be enough info to get you onto the cover of Muscle & Fitness, but follow these tips and your body will be on a steady path to salvation.

Eat At Home1. Eat at home. Or, at least, don’t eat at convenience stores, fast food chains, gas stations, or in the break room at your office. All of these places are filled with mainly junk food. As a society, if we did nothing but avoid Big Gulps, French fries, chips, and processed meats, we’d all be a lot thinner. If you can avoid these places, it starts to become challenging to eat poorly. When you don’t avoid them, it’s almost impossible to have a balanced diet.

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Yoga and Meditation


I have to confess that I’m no yogi! I did Iyengar-style Yoga fairly regularly for several years a long time ago, and I still do the occasional class to stop myself from getting too stiff. I would like to do it more regularly, but … well you know how it is. Keeping up a regular meditation practice and running an online meditation center take up a lot of time. So I’m not setting myself up as some sort of an expert.

What I do want to do is first say just a few words about the benefits I’ve experienced from yoga in relation to meditation, and then introduce some yoga asanas (postures) taught by Dharmapriya, who is a meditator and yoga teacher from Canada who now lives in Germany.

I can see four ways in which yoga helped me in my meditation practice and life

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Beginner : Buddhisme Relaxation


Buddhism offers a rich variety of meditation practices. The following basic exercise in focusing attention comes from B. Alan Wallace’s The Attention Revolution.

Begin by sitting on a cushion with your legs crossed or, if that’s uncomfortable, in a chair or even lying on your back, but always with your back straight and body relaxed. Your eyes may be closed, half-closed or open.

Be at ease. Be still. Be vigilant.

Take three slow, gentle, deep breaths, breathing in and out through the nostrils. Let your awareness permeate your entire body as you breathe, noting any sensations that arise. Now settle your respiration in its natural flow. Observe the entire course of each in- and out-breath, noting whether it is long or short, deep or shallow, slow or fast. Don’t impose any rhythm on your breathing. Let the body breathe as if you were fast asleep, but with your mind vigilant.

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The History of Meditation


Yoga” and “meditation” seem to have become trendy words recently, and even trendier practices. But for all their modern applications, both yoga and meditation have been around for a long, long time.

For more than five thousand years, meditation has been a part of human life. Though it has its roots in Hinduism, most religions throughout the globe practice one form of meditation or another.

Meditation in Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Gautama Buddha, was the founder of Buddhism thousands of years ago. Originally a pampered prince, he fled the palace and sought a life of spiritual enlightenment rather than material wealth. After meditating beneath a sacred fig tree for 49 days, Siddhartha attained enlightenment, which allowed him great insight into the cause of human suffering, as well as the process needed to eliminate it.

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Introduction to Yoga and Meditation


When you practise Yoga with genuine interest and commitment - taking your mind and body ever deeper into the postures - you become more and more conscious of your states of mind. In this way Yoga challenges your creativity and ability to throw yourself wholeheartedly into a discipline. As a result you will experience your aliveness in a more intense and refined way, and your general awareness will increase.

Normally when we talk of Yoga in the West, what we mean is Hatha Yoga. But in India, the word ‘Yoga’ refers not only to physical postures but also to methods of spiritual development in general. Nonetheless, Hatha Yoga is not concerned simply with the physical body on a crude material level but rather with the body as a vehicle for liberating psychophysical energy, refining one’s sensory perception, and increasing awareness.



Meditation and Depression


Along with stress (which I’ve written about elsewhere on Wildmind), depression is another deeply unpleasant, and sometimes devastating, experience that motivates people to learn to meditate.

Can meditation be useful for those who have a tendency to feel depressed? And can those whose depression is caused by chemical imbalances (e.g. those who live with bipolar disorder or manic-depression) usefully meditate?

I am convinced that meditation can be very helpful for depression, whether the depression is situational (caused by external events) or organic (caused by chemical imbalances in the brain).

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Yoga and Weight Loss - Benefits of Yoga


An important part of a balanced health and wellness program is managing your body composition and understanding what is a healthy body weight for your body type. A consistent Yoga practice, Yoga diet, and observance of Yoga principles and lifestyle habits can help you find this balance in managing your body weight.

Obesity is correlated to numerous health problems and diseases like heart disease, diabetes, musculo-skeletal disorders, digestive disorders, and high blood pressure. Obesity often shortens one’s life span. Excess body weight physically drains the body of vitality and energy.

How Can Yoga Decrease Body Fat and Manage Body Weight?

Read the full article here..


What is Meditation?


Aside from determining its physiological effects, defining the actual act of meditation can be as elusive as imagining the sound of one hand clapping. In his book, What is Meditation? (Shambhala Publications, 1999), Rob Nairn talks about it as a state of “bare attention.” He explains, “It is a highly alert and skillful state of mind because it requires one to remain psychologically present and ‘with’ whatever happens in and around one without adding to or subtracting from it in any way.”

The physical act of meditation generally consists of simply sitting quietly, focusing on one’s breath, a word or phrase. However, a meditator may also be walking or standing. It isn’t unusual, in fact, to see a meditating monk in the highlands walking a few steps and then lying prostrate over and over again until he reaches his destination many miles away.

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