Introduction to Yoga and Meditation

. Saturday, 5 July 2008
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When you practise Yoga with genuine interest and commitment - taking your mind and body ever deeper into the postures - you become more and more conscious of your states of mind. In this way Yoga challenges your creativity and ability to throw yourself wholeheartedly into a discipline. As a result you will experience your aliveness in a more intense and refined way, and your general awareness will increase.

Normally when we talk of Yoga in the West, what we mean is Hatha Yoga. But in India, the word ‘Yoga’ refers not only to physical postures but also to methods of spiritual development in general. Nonetheless, Hatha Yoga is not concerned simply with the physical body on a crude material level but rather with the body as a vehicle for liberating psychophysical energy, refining one’s sensory perception, and increasing awareness.

