7 Wave “Sat Nam” Meditation

. Monday, 4 August 2008
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7 Wave Sat Nam Meditation

What will it do for you?
If you can build this meditation 6 seconds a day to at least 31 minutes, the mind will be cleansed as the ocean waves wash the sandy beach. This is a bij (seed) mantra meditation. Bij mantras such as “Sat Nam ” are the ony mantras which can totally rearrange the habit patterns of the subconscious mind.

We all have habit patterns, and couldn’t function without them. But some patterns we have created are unwanted. You have changed, so you want the habit patterns to change. By vibrating the sound current “Sat Nam” in this manner, you activate the energy of the mind to erase them and establish new habits. Consequently this meditation is a good introduction to Kundalini yoga. It will open the mind to the new experience.

A long-time student will do it to clear off the effects of a hurried day before beginning another deep meditation. After chanting this mantra, you will feel calm, relaxed and mellow.

More: 7 Wave “Sat Nam” Meditation
