See the Aura Color

. Monday, 4 August 2008
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Some peoples can see the human aura . Some of us never have and some have on occasion but do not usually.
First off it is not a really big deal if you do or don’t see the aura . It really does not seem to have any bearing on a persons actual spiritual state in any case. Most people, when they do see an aura, do not see much more than a misty outline and often dismiss that as optical illusion or heat waves.
This is subtle energy so it is much more often quite light and ephemeral as the energy field is also pulsing and shifting constantly. The aura is not the optical reaction you see when you gaze at an object of one color for a long time then look away / It is not the spots you get in front of your eyes when you look at a bright light.
There are a multitude of theories and methods for seeing the aura most of them work. some are easier to use than others . Most people try too hard. Relax and kind of unfocus your eyes and allow yourself to observe, if you don’t see anything different than usual that’s fine.
When outdoors you might look along the top of trees, quite often the life force or aura of the trees and other plants is visible as a kind of mist or faint glowing outline.
Most exercises to see auras call for an area with indirect light kind of like that of a cloudy overcast day or early twilight .

More: See the Aura Color
