Meditation Mantras - Personal Affirmation

. Thursday, 7 August 2008
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For thousands of years meditation gurus have been using “Mantras” to focus their meditative thoughts to a singular purpose. Some of the most simple mantras are the “ommm” or “ahhh” sounds found commonly throughout Eastern religions.

The sound of ahhhh is commonly referred to the sound of creation. If you analyze most names for God, you’ll find that they incorporate the sound of ahhh phonetically. For instance, God sounds like “G ahhhhhh D”.

With this knowledge, you can activate the source of creation by repeating the sound of “ahhh”. While using this sound, focus your thoughts on what you desire to create. What you visualize while using the sound of “ah” will send out focused signals to the universe to bring you what you desire.

Let’s take this concept a step further.

Full Article : Meditation Mantras - Creating Your Own Personal Affirmation
