Simple Meditation Technique for Relaxation

. Monday, 4 August 2008
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Sit with a straight spine, either in a comfortable cross-legged position or in a chair with both feet flat on the floor. Relax your hands in your lap, palms up, with the right hand rested on top of the left. Keep the shoulders relaxed and the upper chest lifted slightly to support the spine. The eyes are 9/10 closed, letting in a little light.

First, just notice the breath, every part of the process of inhaling, and exhaling, all the little movements within your body.

After a few minutes, begin to consciously slow your breath.

Normal breathing is 14-17 times a minute.

Slow your breath to 8 or fewer times per minute (4 or fewer per minute creates a state of meditation).

More: Simple Meditation Technique for Relaxation
