Buddhist Meditation Guides

. Thursday, 7 August 2008
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This method of meditation relies on the control of your breathing. Make yourself comfortable and follow these easy steps, each step can be held for as long as you see fit. (This method is my own personal method adapted from the Buddhist Breath Meditation methods).

1. Start by taking long breaths, whilst thinking “re” on the in-breath and “lax” on the out-breath. Making sure to hold both the “re” and the “lax” for as long as the breath.

2. Whilst taking the same long breaths, become aware of each in and out breath.

3. While breathing in and out, take notice of the comfortableness of the breath. Notice whether the breath feels narrow, free, even, uneven etc. If the breaths don’t feel comfortable, then alter your breathing until they do. When you reach a comfortable point of breath, make sure you continue this style of breathing, allowing this sensation to spread to all corners of your body.

For example, inhale whilst focusing on the base of the skull and letting it flow down your spine, down your leg and to the sole of your foot and toes. On the next breath, allow it to travel from the base of your skull down over both your shoulders, past your elbows and wrists

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