How to Meditate: A Guide to Self-Discovery

. Thursday, 7 August 2008
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Product Description

This simple, straightforward yet powerful guide has ready helped hundreds of thousands of people reap the greatest rewards of meditation. Lawrence LeShan’s easy-to-follow and realistic approach allows you to bring meditation effortlessly into your life, no matter how busy you are, or how great the demands on your time are. His specific programs and exercises provide proven, practical tools for you to begin your journey and explore the many revealing paths of meditation

Here is one of the most practical guides to meditation. As a psychotherapist and researcher, Lawrence LeShan is more interested in the process and effects of meditation than the spiritual motivations. To LeShan, meditation means training the mind, and he likens it to physical exercise. Like a good trainer, he breaks down the different kinds of meditation into easy-to-learn steps and offers counsel about the best ways to go about it and the pitfalls you are likely to encounter. LeShan isn’t pure vanilla, however. He wrote at a time (the early ’70s) when meditation was still considered esoteric and strongly associated with the paranormal. Still, he keeps his feet on the ground and suggests that you do, too. Meditation, he says, helps get a new perspective on the world and to attain "an increased serenity and competence in being." If you are a beginning meditator, this perennial favorite is a good place to start. –Brian Bruya

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